Az In this Chest, osztrák metalcore csapat Kulacsos koncertjének históriáját, már lassan a Kalánka zenekar is megénekelhetné, annyira regényesre sikerült. Gyere és nézd meg, hogy válik valóra ez a régi állmunk, ezen a fantasztikus metal estén.
Kivételesen álljon itt a zenekar saját bemutatkozása:
Smooth melodies, shredding guitars, as well as hammering breakdowns – That’s what In This Chest is all about! Five Austrian musicians share their passion for music and create something unique from deep inside their chests.
Since the beginning of 2010 In This Chest have not only shared the stage with famous bands like I Set My Friends On Fire, The Word Alive and Texas In July, but also developed their own style playing concerts throughout Europe. As “playful … complex … seasoned with attacks and a dreamy feeling” and “one of the best demo’s by any Melodeath / Metalcore band from Alpine Europe ever” – they are described by Metal Underground or Truecultheavymetal.
Their music perfectly unites modern Metal and Rock with synthesizer sounds and consistently attracts more and more fans. With their professional live performance and their unique musical style they are a must for all lovers of technical finesse and abrasiveness, as well as powerful choruses and thrilling live shows!
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